Fully Integrated Project Accounting & GST

Integration with Property Sales Account Receivable
Integration with Tenancy Account Receivable
Non Property Base Accounts Receivable


Accunts Payable
- Unlimited Type of Creditor Type
- Centralize GST Registered or Non Registered Creditor Profile
- Creditor Invoicing, Debit Note, Credit Notes
- Creditor Account Status & Detail Transactions


Cash Book 
- Payment Approval Process 
- Print Payment Cum Cheque  
- Bank Reconciliation & Statement


Contractor Management
- Sub Contract Management
 - Contractor Claim with Retention & GST
- Sub Contract Ledger & Account Status


Project Ledger 
- Project Budgeting base on Cost Codes 
- Project todate Work In Progress Revenue & Cost
 - Calculate Profit Recognize on % Completion basis & post journal to GL


GST Module- Supply List 
- Taxable & Exempted 
- Purchase Listing - Taxable & Exampted
 - Generate GST Return 03 Tax File for GST Submission
- Generate GAF File for Custom Audit
 - handle Mix Supply & Year end adjustment


General Ledger 
- User define Financial P&L and Balance Sheet 
- Drill down from report to the sources document





  • Menara MBMR
    Unit 12-02, Level 12,
    No.1, Jalan Syed Putra, 58000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Tel : +603-2272 2833

    •  B26-1, Taman Mega Gold,
      Jalan Bukit Setongkol, 
      25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia 
      Tel : +609-531 5070



Mr Chang SH 

  • HP : 012-325 2678