Synthesis Integration Sdn Bhd (SISB) is a local company, the nature of the business is to provide total IT integrated solutions and over the years has been providing applications software and networking solutions to it’s client around Klang Valley and East Coast States, Malaysia.
Below are the our company’s Vision and Mission :
To be a leading IT Solutions and
Consultancy Services Provider in the region
To accomplish the Vision through delivering optimized solutions according to our customer needs so as to enhance our customer’s competitive edge, allowing them to focus on their core competencies thus increasing efficiency and productivity
- In line with our company mission and vision, our products & solutions have been named with STAR which carry the following :-
- S – Superiority
- T – Technology
- A – Agility
- R – Reliability
- Our Vertical total solutions include solutions for the following industries :-
- Property Development
- Property Management
- Project Accounting System
- Other Horizontal Product :
- Short Messaging Services Solution
As per our MISSION statement, SISB’s primary mission is to deliver optimized solutions according to our customer needs so as to enhance our customer’s competitive edge, allowing them to focus on their core competencies thus increasing efficiency and productivity. As such customization to our customer’s need is always our highest priority.
SISB provides value added services including customization, training, implementation and project supervision services. The team of experience consultants and IT Professionals have good understanding on your business requirements and experience in your similar industry. These experiences we have gained will be passed on to your esteem company via our better and more comprehensive product features and functions. In the computerization process, you can also tap into our knowledge database to streamline your operation. These knowledge-base resources are dedicated to ensure the success of computerization the business solutions.
- Hotline Support and call centre to immediately address to customer issues
- Internet Support Center (ISC) that provides timely and effective solutions according to customers’ support requirements.
- After-sales-support via our contractual annual maintenance services
- Future system enhancement that able to provide competitive advance to our client against their competitor
- To provide a proven solution to our client is never complete without a comprehensive after sales support. As such, with our well-trained personnel, we are privileged to provide such effective support services in the following form:-
We provide property Industry specific solution named STAR PMS.
STAR PMS, a truly & fully WEB BASE property industry specific, fully integrated Property Sales, Tenancy/Rental, Ownership (Join Management Body) and Project Accounting Solutions, support multiple companies, multiple projects and multiple phases, multiple property types, multiple user definable payment schedules, all property types include residential, commercial, industrial etc. STAR PMS is on modular design and hence fits into all sizes of organizations and providing growing path for smaller size of company.
STAR PMS, utilizes latest technologies to improve the efficiency of your business. The seamless integration between all of the modules in a single database couple with the intelligent technology empowerment include Integrated Emailing System, SMS Messaging triggering messages to Mobile Devices, Executive Information System and Document Management Module will definitely be your choice of computerization.
STAR PMS, end to end property industry specific and fully integrated solution together with the latest technologies provides seamless integration and streamline the process of all departments of your organization from Sales and Marketing to Credit Control, Customer Service, Finance and Project Departments, enable your organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in decision making, increase the business performance and business profitability.
STAR PMS, developed by a group of local IT and Property experts, focusing on the Property and Project Management industry. These modules are fully integrated with a single database. We believe and fully aware that a standard application system will not be able to 100% fit into an organization, as such, in-order to maximize the efficiency of the application solution and to better serve your organization, our team are ready to further customize the solution to fulfill your business requirement and needs.
STAR PMS Solution is built-in with mixed supply GST features, to minimize human error, it is intelligent to help you to identified your output tax such as Relief Supply for Government and Ministry, Exempted Tax for Residential Property, Standard Rated for Commercial Property, Out of Scope for Incidental Charges/Supply such as Quit Rent, Assessment and Late Interest Charges, capturing and processing of Input Tax to produce GST Return File for Manual & Online Tax Submission.